Friday, December 24, 2010

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Happy Friday! Happy weekend AND Merry Christmas! At last it is Christmas eve, and I am all atwitter with anticipation. This is my third Christmas with my family, and every year I learn more and more about the holiday. I’ve unraveled the tree mystery, so I can now move on to experience the other events that make up the holiday season.
Every year Mom and Dad go to a company Christmas party. Mom gets all gussied up and she and Dad disappear for a few hours. This year Dad had to work, so Mom asked me if I would like to be her date for the party. I jumped at the chance to add to my Christmas experiences! I put on the hat I had purchased for Matthew and Georgie’s wedding and headed out with Mom.
The room where the party was held was decorated all glittery and Christmasy. We had a wonderful dinner and played some games. Just as things seemed to be winding down, the music was turned up and the dancing began. One song for which everyone headed to the dance floor was the Electric Slide. I trotted out to the dance floor with Mom and she taught me how to do it. It didn’t take long before I was the best slider!

We had lots of fun dancing the night away. I was worn out by the time we left and I slept like a kitten that night.
The next Christmas mystery I felt it was time to tackle was the Santa issue. I had seen the children sitting on his lap talking to him, a picture was taken and then they just left. He didn’t give them anything. I wanted to find out what the deal was.
I went to the mall and sought out this mysterious man in the red suit. I found him sitting in a big chair at the end of a long path. I fell in line behind a whole bunch of children and waited my turn for…. I had no idea what. When it was my turn I jumped on his lap and waited to see what would happen.

The first thing he told me was that he liked my hat. I thanked him and told him that I liked his as well. He then asked the question that he evidently asks all the children. He asked me what I wanted for Christmas. That’s why the children wanted to sit on his lap! I bet they all had big long lists of what toys and goodies they wanted. I thought and thought but couldn’t think of a thing I needed. Then something jumped into my head. I told Santa that the one thing I wanted for Christmas was for all my friends at the animal shelter to find families to love them. Santa smiled, gave me a big hug and told me that I was a special kitty. Then the elf snapped a photo and I had to leave. I had a warm, happy feeling inside. Okay, I get the Santa thing now.
That night the partying continued with a family get together at our house. I helped Mom clean and prepare for the guests. I made sure all my toys were put away and that none of the tree ornaments that might have been accidently knocked down were lying on the floor.
All the relatives came over for dinner. After dinner we popped open our crackers and found hats, jokes and whistles inside. The crackers are a British tradition, and it is a cool idea. We put on our hats and figured out who had which numbered whistle. I was selected to be the conductor, so I sat where everyone could see me to lead us in a tune.

As hard as we tried, we couldn’t get it quite right - but we had fun trying. At one point we were all laughing so hard no one could blow their whistles. The night was a huge success and we made plans to meet for dinner the next night.
It didn’t take me long to figure out that food is an integral part of the holiday season. The next time I saw all my relatives again it was at a restaurant for dinner. We had fun deciding what to order because it all sounded so good. I didn’t see my favorite dish on the menu, but the waitress said they would make it up especially for me. How nice! I was so pleased when the waitress served me a lovely plate of tuna salad on a Ritz.

Well, the tuna wasn’t actually ON the Ritz, but I had all the fixins to make a delectable meal. I liked it that way since now I could decide what the best ratio of tuna to cracker was for me. We had a lovely meal and when we said goodbye at the restaurant we made plans to meet for dinner the next night. (I’m seeing a pattern here!!)
The next morning, I was tickled to see my face in our local newspaper. There was a lovely story about me and my book on the front page of the Life section. I really liked the picture of me and Mom that was big at the top of the page. It had several pictures from my blogs and told people where to buy the book.
Well, evidently a lot of people read the newspaper. Sales of the book took off and suddenly people knew who I was. One very nice lady stopped by FAPS to buy a copy of the book and wanted to know if there was any way I would be able to autograph it for her. FAPS called me and I arranged to meet her at the shelter. It was fun meeting a fan, and I made sure to write carefully in her book.

We chatted a while and she was nice enough to buy yet another book. Another lady came into the shelter and also purchased a book and I signed hers as well. This was fun! I would have hung around all day signing books but I had some Christmas shopping left to do. I bid adieu to my fans and headed to the mall.
I had much shopping to do and not much time in which to do it. I felt I would be prudent to disguise myself so I wouldn’t be slowed down by my fans. I quickly scurried through the mall and purchased some items to help disguise myself.

It worked like a charm, though I think some people still recognized me as I received many stares as I did my shopping. I just tried not to make eye contact, as it would have been rude to not speak to someone who recognized me.
I finished up in time to meet my family for dinner. We had a lovely time, and when we said our goodbyes at the restaurant we made plans to meet for dinner the next night.
Well, *burp* - oh excuse me – all this dining out has played havoc with my tummy. Have a very, very Merry Christmas. I hope Santa brings you everything you asked for!

Love and Licks,

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