I flew out of Fayetteville, so it wasn’t that bad getting to the plane. I had to use Mom’s plastic card to pay the fee to bring two suitcases with all my necessities along with me. I also knew that wherever Prince William goes, a polo match tends to break out, so I thought it would be a good idea to bring my trusty steed, Butterscotch, along with me so I would be ready. I couldn’t afford to buy her a seat, so I had to stuff her into the overhead storage compartment. I apologized to her as I tried to stuff her hooves under her so I could close the door. She assured me she was fine and was happy just to be going on my adventure with me.

I was disappointed that I wasn’t going to arrive in time to greet William and Kate, but I figured I would catch up with them at the polo match which had indeed been scheduled for the next day as I had suspected it would! My friend Icy was meeting me there, and we were going to have a fun weekend of hobnobbing with the upper crust. We were just in Los Angeles for a couple of days, so we were going to be two very busy kitties! We met up and had a nice dinner, then went to sleep early so we would be fresh for the events of the next day.
We greeted William and Kate as they arrived at the polo club. They were very excited to see us again – they hadn’t seen us since their wedding! We chatted excitedly and William insisted that we be allowed to accompany them inside the club. Icy, Butterscotch and I trotted in behind them, feeling special and holding our tails high.
William noticed Butterscotch and asked if my friend and I might be up for a couple of chukkers of polo. I quickly said “yes!” I asked William if I needed to pay, as the others were doing, for the privilege of playing polo with him. He laughed and told me that of course I didn’t. I was his special guest!
I think Butterscotch was afraid of all the beautiful, athletic looking polo ponies mingling on the field. She stayed very close to me and didn’t say much. I reminded her of our adventure at the steeplechase and I assured her this would be much easier with no fences to jump. She did look relieved at that fact, but she had never played polo before. I whispered in her ear that I had never played polo before either, so we were in the same boat! I told her it would be fun and don’t worry. Luckily I was right!
The stands were full of people who had paid good money to watch this match. I was very excited to be a part of it. When the match started all the ponies and riders raced as fast as they could after a ball. William had given me a mallet to use so any time Butterscotch and I galloped near the ball, I took a big ol’ swipe at it – I didn’t connect too often – but it was fun trying!

Butterscotch had a great time running as fast as she could all over the field. Sometimes she didn’t pay attention to where the ball was, so we sometimes ended up on the wrong side of the field. But it didn’t matter - we had a blast!
After the third chukker, we called it quits. I thanked William for including us in the fun, but we were pooped! He said that was fine, and he would meet us at the trophy award ceremony when the match was over.
Icy, Butterscotch and I had lots of fun cheering loudly from the stands. No one was surprised when William’s team won the match! He is quite the accomplished polo player! We headed over to the area where the trophy would be awarded. Kate was going to have the honor of making the trophy presentation.
We had to wait for everyone to gather and it seemed to be taking forever. Icy climbed aboard Butterscotch and they trotted around the field as Icy pretended she was playing polo. I had been eyeing the nice bowl at the top of the trophy…it would be just perfect to curl up in for a quick catnap! I couldn’t resist and I settled gently into the trophy top. Oh, this was comfy! I closed my eyes and drifted off until it came time to award the trophy.
I awoke to the sensation of flying….I popped my head up to see that I was being hoisted high over the winning team’s heads. Had no one seen me in here?!?!??!? I grabbed on to the sides to keep from falling out and let out quite a loud meow.

William saw me and brought the trophy down and gently lifted me out. I was a little shaken, but fine. William suggested I might want to go back to my hotel and take a nap before we had to be at a gala event that evening. I agreed and our little group headed off to take some much needed naps!
After a refreshing nap, Icy and I got busy gussying up for the gala reception. Butterscotch was very tired and didn’t want to go, so I tucked her into bed and told her we would bring her something to eat when we came back. I think she had fallen back to sleep before Icy and I were out the door!
We arrived at the event early so we wouldn’t miss William and Kate who would have to get us in past security. We had fun watching the celebrities arrive one by one. We would clap and wave as they passed by. Finally, William and Kate arrived. Icy and I gracefully walked over and twirled around so they could check out our beautiful gowns. They told us we looked lovely and we told them that they did too!
The crowd was cheering wildly and William thought it would be a good idea to take a minute and wave hello. Icy and I felt silly just standing there, so we decided to wave to the crowd as well. Being a celebrity is fun!!

Since the crowd was waiting inside, the event organizers came and directed us to the door. William took my hand to make sure I didn’t get lost in the crush of people, and we walked the red carpet into the event.

I was speechless (imagine that!) when I saw all the celebrities gathered in one place!! The funny thing was that they were as star struck by William and Kate as I was by them! None of the other women were wearing hats, so Icy and I took ours off and instead opted for the more demure tiaras I had stashed under my hat.
One of my favorite people we met was Tom Hanks and his lovely wife Rita. They were so funny and charming that the four of us spent as much time as we could with them. Tom was just so funny we just laughed and laughed…

They were many other stars – Barbra Streisand, Jennifer Lopez and Nicole Kidman to name a few. We pretty much stayed in one place and people came up to meet us. Icy and I were having such a great time we didn’t want it to end.
Alas, it was soon time to head back to the hotel. We needed to get some rest before leaving to catch our planes home in the morning. We hugged and kissed everyone goodbye, then climbed into the limo that William let us borrow to take us back to the hotel. We opened up a bottle of milk that was in the limo’s fridge and sipped it out of champagne glasses, pretending that we were famous felines fleeing our adoring fans!
Icy and I said our goodbyes when we returned to out hotel. We were catching flights in different directions at different times so we wouldn’t see each other in the morning. I love hanging out with my fellow feline fashionista!
I hope you enjoyed my tale! Have a great week! I will be hanging out with the Extreme Makeover Home Edition people this week as they build a house in Fayetteville. I’ll tell you all about it next week!
Love & kitty kisses,
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