Everyone knew ahead of time that the show was coming to Fayetteville so the town went nuts planning how to help and celebrate one family’s good fortune. It was a big secret as to who the lucky family was, but as soon as it was announced things became really crazy! Roads were blocked off, spectator buses started shuttling back and forth and large construction trucks were in and out of the neighborhood. People were volunteering to help and construction went on for 24 hours a day.
Being a cat, I was curious, so I had Mom drop me at the top of the main street and I was able to trot pass the security guards unnoticed. I wasn’t being sneaky or anything - cats do just roam neighborhoods now, don’t they?
I had to be careful to avoid trucks and cranes and backhoes all in action at once. It was like an obstacle course, but I managed to get to the spectator area. As I chatted with some of the folks, it didn’t take long to figure out that all the spectators had just one goal in mind: Meet Ty Pennington. I had no idea what he looked like, but I didn’t have to. When the illusive Mr. Pennington emerged from behind this massively big bus, the crowd went wild. He was a rather handsome guy, for a human, so I could see why the ladies were excited. Everyone was screaming at him and jumping up and down.
You know how easily I get stirred up, so it didn’t take long before I was as excited as everyone else. So when Ty started walking to the bus as if he was going to go hide in it, I couldn’t help myself. I was going to meet him!!!! I scurried out away from the crowd and just launched myself in his direction. It was quite the leap and I landed squarely on his chest and had to grab his neck and shoulders to keep from sliding to the ground.

I startled him, but he was very kind. He thanked me for coming out and asked if I was going to be helping with all the work that needef to be done. I promised him I would do what I could. I think I blushed and giggled when he gave me a hug and gently place me back on the ground.
Since I promised Ty I would help, when it came time to pull down the old house, I was right there in the middle of it. I had already gotten a hard hat, but the rest of the volunteers were given theirs and told to get in line. I liked the idea of everyone wearing a hat. In fact, everyone in construction wears a hat – not the most colorful or stylish ones, but I do like to see chapeaued heads!
Everything takes a while when it’s being filmed. The cameras had to be in place, actors had to say their lines correctly and all had to go just right or it had to be done again. When it was time to pull the house down we were ready. When the directors told us to pull, I pulled as hard as my little kitty arms would let me. It was quite the feeling of satisfaction when a part of the house came down. Wow, I’m strong….okay, WE were strong!

I helped as much as I could until Mom came to pick me up. I told her all about my exciting day. She told me that there was going to be a big event in Festival Park to help raise funds for the family’s expenses. There was going to be music and food and a water slide and food and face painting and food. That sounded like something I would be interested in attending!
Dad, Mom and I headed over to Festival Park Sunday afternoon to partake in the festivities of the event they titled “Heroes, Hearts and Hardhats Music Festival.” There was to be live music all day. Mom gave me a talking to about behaving myself – she did not want to look up and see me on the stage! I told Mom I would do my best to keep a low profile, but I could make no guarantees.
I enjoyed listening to the music and taking big laps of my delicious ice cream cone. It was vey hot which made the ice cream taste extra good. I was happy just lounging in the grass until the greatest 70’s band ever took the stage. They were called Dathrowback Band and they were great. I found myself dancing and swirling and shaking my booty all over Festival Park. I inevitably ended up dancing my way up onto the stage to join in the fun. The band had all these great costumes lying around back stage and I helped myself to one before bopping out onto the stage.

I think my funky 70’s outfit deserves a closer look…

Mom was so busy dancing around in the VIP tent, that she didn’t even notice me. I joined the band for a couple of songs, but then the heat started to get to me - cat fur and all – so I thanked the band and boogied off the stage.
We enjoyed a couple of more performers and then it was time to leave. Before we left, we stopped by this cool photo booth that was set up by the Blueridge Log Cabins folks – the company building the house for the Home Makeover people. Mom, Dad and I had fun mugging for the camera. It only took a couple of minutes for the picture to be ready! I thought it was a really cool souvenir.

The construction work continued the next week even though the temperatures soared into the 100’s. I read in the newspaper that there were plenty of volunteers, - more than they needed, so I stayed out of the way. I knew they still needed skilled workers, but I wasn’t much with dry wall or pouring cement!
I did ask Mom to drop me off at the work site on the last day – the big “Reveal Day.” Word had gotten out that the first lady, Michele Obama, was going to be visiting. Oh wow! I would really like to meet her.
I arrived early and waited impatiently with many, many, maaaaaaany others. We saw everyone – Ty, all the designers and finally, Michele Obama!!!!
There were still a few things to do before the big event, so Mrs. Obama and I volunteered to help finish up the trim on the house. We grabbed a couple of paintbrushes and ladders and went to work. We made a great team and it was an honor to work beside her!

It was very exciting when it was time for the family to return and see their new home. I don’t want to give any details and ruin the show for you, so all I will say is…..watch Extreme Makeover: Home Edition when it airs its Fayetteville, NC episode sometime in October.
If you do get the chance to watch the show, look out for my human brother. When the show gets to the part where Paul the designer is at Sears talking in front of a bunch of women helping load a truck with all the goods the show purchased, he’ll be the guy with brown curly hair and glasses, wearing a black shirt and pants that is actually doing all the work lifting the boxes. I hope they keep some of that part in! It would be fun to have a famous brother!
Well, I better go now. It’s been a busy week and boy, are my paws tired!! Until next week… stay cool! (and I mean temperature cool, not attitude cool…okay, well maybe attitude cool too)
Love & licks,
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