I started the day by making my Mom breakfast in bed. Everyone loves tuna on a Ritz for breakfast, so I whipped up a big plateful. Dad made her some special mocha, latte, espresso, cappuccino, coffee, frappaccino thing. It smelled good, but when I took a little sip, it was rancid!!! I shook my head so hard my night cap went flying off!

You should have seen Mom’s face when I put the tray on her lap!
Mom was polite and raved about how good the drink was, but she liked my tuna on a Ritz best – I could tell. She was very nice and shared some of her breakfast with me. We sat and read the Sunday newspaper and munched on our crackers. Mom read some of the comics to me, and one of them was so funny I laughed really hard and spewed cracker crumbs all over the bed. I told Mom I would clean the crumbs up before I went back downstairs.
Mom loves to sit on the back deck and feed the squirrels on Sunday morning, so I told her to go ahead and do that while I cleaned up the breakfast dishes. It didn’t take me long to clean up . When I was all done, I headed out to chase the squirrels that Mom was feeding (I never catch one – it would upset Mom) It was a beautiful day so the whole family sat out and enjoyed the lovely weather. Our nice neighbors, the Wilsons, were out also. They asked us if we would like to see some kittens. I was so excited – kittens!! I wondered which one of my friends had their kittens in the Wilson’s shed! Just as we reached the shed, Dot appeared. She looked a little frazzled.

I asked her if those were her kittens in the shed, and she said yes! She asked us if we would like to see them. We were all anxious to see the little critters so we all answered “yes!” immediately. She told us we had to be very quiet so we didn’t scare them. They had yet to see people, so they might be frightened, She brought them out one by one. They were all so beautiful…and tiny! Their eyes were open already so we figured they had to be a few weeks old. There were four of them, but one was sleeping and he/she got cranky when Dot tried to wake him up so we left it alone! Dot said she hadn’t named them yet. She let Mom and my brother hold them.
Well, this was certainly a very special Mother’s Day for Dot, it being her first one as a Mom and all. We all gave Dot a big hug and wished her a Happy Mother’s Day. We left her to feed her hungry babies.
When we got back to our house, we talked about how sad it was that Dot didn’t have a family to take care of her. We were the closest thing she had to family. We decided we would buy a few things for the babies. So we grabbed Mom’s magic plastic card and giant purse and headed to the store.
We had fun picking out cute little frilly baby things for the kittens. And of course we had to buy a couple of baby toys. We wrapped them up in pretty pink and blue paper and put them in a really big gift bag. Dot was going to be so surprised!
Dot had just finished feeding the kittens (again!) when we stopped by to surprise her with the gifts. She was so touched and grateful I thought she was going to cry. She loved everything and couldn’t wait to share them with the kittens. I picked out the baby bonnets which were a big hit!

The babies all looked adorable in their bonnets and it gave us a good giggle. It doesn’t take much to wear out a kitten, so in a few minutes they were ready to nap again. It was time to leave the new little family alone and head back home. Dot thanked us profusely for our kindness. She told us she would let us help name the babies when it was time. Oh goody!
When we arrived home I gave my Mom a big hug. There’s a lot of work to taking care of children! Mothers are very special and I’m glad there is a special day to honor them!

Give your Mom a big hug and let her know you appreciate her! Have a great week!
Love & licks,
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