The day after Christmas turned out to be quite the fun day. The snow started late Christmas night and kept falling through the late afternoon Sunday. The roads were so terrible we couldn’t go anywhere, so we spent most of the morning eating a big breakfast topped off with some cookies and candy. We then sat around feeling bloated. Someone mentioned that it would do us some good to go outside and perhaps clean off the deck so that Steve and Barnaby could get to the back door for their treats. Since no one wanted to volunteer to exert themselves, it was decided that we ALL would get up and spend some time out in the beautiful snow.
I dressed myself in a warm woolen hat and waterproof boots. I gathered up all my other warm hats to share with any of my friends who might venture into our yard on this special winter’s day. I stepped out onto the back deck to find some friends already waiting for me!

I offered Steve and Jibbers a hat and they hastily accepted. There’s nothing worse than frostbitten ears! I noticed the vigilante cardinals hovering in one of the trees. I told them that they could each have one of my hats if they promised not to harass me today. Head cardinal told me that he could not promise that since I was on their watch list. I felt bad for them and let them have hats anyway. They might just as well be warm while they watch me!
It was an especially good snowball making snowfall, so I knew it wouldn’t take long before the snowball fights would begin. I immediately set to work building a snow fort I could hide behind when the snowballs started to fly. That proved to be a very wise move on my part, as Steve took snow into his fat, fluffy paws and began shaping the first snowball. I quickly started making snowball after snowball to stock my arsenal. I hid them behind my fort wall so no one would know how well armed I was. I should have known the little white snowballs were going to attract the attention of the vigilante cardinals. I looked up to find them staring at me with disapproving looks on the little birdie faces. “What?!?!?!?!?” I asked. Head cardinal sternly told me they were there to protect the pile of eggs I had next to me. I explained to the cardinals that the white orbs were snowballs, not eggs. I told them to stay and observe, and they could see that when the white orb hit the ground it would disappear into a puff of snowy crystals. They agreed to stay. I could only hope someone would hit them with a snowball!!!
As I stooped to pick up snow to make another snowball I felt something whiz past my head. I popped back up to find Steve lying on his back, just waving his arms and giggling away. He had no idea that I was about to exact my revenge! I used my stockpile of snowballs to throw one after another. Jibbers jumped behind the fort wall with me to help pummel Steve and Cali. Steve tried to stop and make snowballs, but when he did he found himself an easy target. One time, I hit Cali square on and knocked her off her feet!

Eventually I ran out of snowballs which evened things up. We finally had to stop when Steve was so covered with snow he was hard to find. He had those funny little clumps of icy snow matted on his fur. He looked like he was made up of a bunch of tiny snowballs! I suggested we go inside to defrost and have some warm milk. Everyone agreed that would be great, and we adjourned to the inside. Before I went inside, the vigilante cardinals told me that they were convinced that the white orbs were not eggs, so they would leave – but as always they reminded me that they would be watching me!
We enjoyed our warm milk and Christmas cookies. After a while we were itching to get back to playing, so we headed back out into the winter wonderland. We saw some of the neighbors making snowmen, and thought since people mad snowmen, we’d make a snow cat! We watched the neighbors for a while to learn the technique and then we set to work!
Steve got the ball rolling by making the bottom snow ball – a big one!

Then the rest of us jumped in and we were creating fools!

We had fun turning the plain white piles of snow into a creature of our own making! As the snow cat started to resemble a cat we looked at each other and smiled. We were doing a good job! Now came the tough part – adding the accessories to make it look more real. Can you guess who the head designer was?
We stood back and admired our handiwork. The others looked at me, then the snow cat, then back at me, then back at the snow cat. They agreed that the snow cat certainly did look a lot like me. They especially liked the Junior Mint I used as an eyeball. I had to keep an eye on my friends to make sure no one ate the eyeball - everyone loves Junior Mints!!
We were again in need of warming, so we headed back inside. After all the activity, I knew I was ready for a catnap. I don’t know if there is such a thing as a ferretnap, but I think Jibbers was in need of one! My friends headed home and I headed to my bed. One sleeps so soundly after lots of fun activities!
Well, I better go get ready for the New Year’s Eve Party in the Park. Fayetteville has a big party with food and music in Festival Park. Last year my parents had a lot of fun, so they’ve invited me to join them this year. Mom’s favorite local band “Hot Sauce” is playing, so she’s very excited. The event is put on by the Dogwood Festival folks, so I know it’s going to be done right! Hope you have great plans for New Year’s eve!!
Love & licks,