My grandparents were coming over for dinner, so there was much to be done to prepare! Mom and Dad did the cooking (mostly Dad, because Mom isn’t much of a cook and Dad is a fabulous cook!) so I helped with setting the table.

I had trouble folding the napkins just so to fit in the napkin rings, but after a little practice I got it right. I was very careful to put the silverware in its proper order. I am a sophisticated kitty after all!
The aroma of the cooking food was making me hungry. It seemed like it was taking forever for our guests to arrive so we could eat. Finally they started to arrive and the time for dinner was drawing nigh!
We sat in the living room and visited for a while. We chatted while sipping on beverages and snacking on chips, dip and nuts. I didn’t want to ruin my appetite for dinner, so I didn’t snack much. At last it was time to eat and we headed for the dining room.
Everyone insisted that I sit at the head of the table with Dad at the other end. Before we began to eat, the family raised their glasses and toasted my literary success. I was very flattered and I raised my glass of milk and thanked them for their good wishes. I offered my own toast… to family, friends and felines!

Once all the pleasantries were done, it was time to eat. I piled my plate high with food and dug in. I cleaned my plate and moved on to seconds. Before I could finish my second plate, talk of dessert started and I realized I had better stop eating and save room for some sweets!
Since I finished first, I went to the kitchen to get ready to serve the dessert. My Grandma had made a delicious pumpkin pie. I cut a slice for every member of the family and waited patiently for everyone to finish their dinner.

When everyone was ready I served the pie and coffee. I did not have coffee….I don’t think kitties and caffeine are a good combination! The pie was delicious!! I especially liked the whipped cream on top!
After dinner we all retired to the living room and sat around complaining about how full we were. I excused myself and went to the kitchen to collect some leftovers to share with my feral friends. They were all very appreciative and I sat with them a while. Then it was time to help with the cleanup. I helped as much as I could, but I was so sleepy! As soon as we were done, I headed to my bed and immediately fell asleep.
Now it’s time to gear up for Christmas, which will be here before you know it. I won’t be hitting the store tomorrow on Black Friday, but I will get going on my Christmas shopping very soon. Good luck with your Christmas shopping – and don’t forget to buy something special for your special critter!!
Love & licks,